Exopolitics: political implications of the extra-terrestrial presence

Open Letter to The Canadian Newspaper – inserting grammatical errors to undermine exopolitics articles & authors

March 12, 2012

To the Editorial Department,
The Canadian
John Stokes

Dear Mr Stokes, I read the extract from my January 11, 2012, article on Ron Paul’s Plan to Restore America that you published on the Canadian with attribution to me as the author. I noticed that several spelling and grammatical changes were inserted into my article which diminishes the significance of the message. I don't understand why someone on your editorial team, would introduce obvious grammatical errors to my article, especially so for the opening sentence. I will illustrate by using bold text for the changes that were made to the extract from the original Examiner article, the Canadian version, originally published here, begins:
Ron Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” would be direct challenge to America’s Extraterrestrial Budget.

The Examiner article from which this extract was taken, reads as follows: "Ron Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” is a direct challenge to America’s secret trillion dollar Black Budget."

Someone on your staff or you changed the words from the grammatically correct "is a direct challenge", to the grammatically incorrect "would be direct challenge". Coming at the beginning of the article, this has the effect of encouraging the reader dismiss the article's significance, and the author’s credibility.

Also the last sentence of the extracted article on your website reads:

If the experiences of Catherine Austin Fitts are any guide, then the more success Paul enjoys during the Presidential primaries, the more likely his plan will be marginalized by the Establishments which presides over an apparent Extraterrestrial budget.
In the original Examiner version, this sentence reads: "If the experiences of Catherine Austin Fitts are any guide, then the more success Paul enjoys during the Presidential primaries, the more likely he will be targeted in covert ways by beneficiaries of America’s black budget."  Grammatical errors such as “marginalized by the Establishments” and other unauthorized changes have been directly introduced into the extract from my article.

The full scope of unauthorized changes made to my article is made evident below where I have placed the extract appearing in The Canadian, with the original Examiner article extract. The overall effect of inserting multiple grammatical errors is to make the author look like someone that shouldn’t be taken seriously, and to encourage the reader to dismiss the article’s content. This leads to me to question the integrity and intentions of some in your news organization, The Canadian, that would want to diminish the credibility of authors and exopolitics articles in such a manner. I request that you take down the above article immediately, and no longer post any of my articles, in part or in whole, on The Canadian website.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.

Table 1. Comparison of article extracts from The Canadian and Examiner. Click here for PDF version

Extract published in The Canadian

(red text represents changes from original)

Extract from Original Examiner

(blue text represents original text that was changed)

Extraterrestrial Budget consumes America's precious resources

Ron Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” would be direct challenge to America’s Extraterrestrial Budget.

Mr. Paul’s plan to eliminate five cabinet level departments and trillion dollar budget cut appeals to a cross spectrum of American society, while also alarming some Americans that benefit from a host of programs funded by these Federal departments. It will be surprise to many that among those likely to be most alarmed by Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” are not private citizens; but powerful corporate, government and military entities that use excesses, inefficiencies and waste in these five government departments as a cover for project on Extraterrestrial-related activities.

The Extraterrestrial budget comprises single line items in the U.S. Departmental budgets that don’t refer to any real weapons system. These single line items are apparent covers for a Congressionally sanctioned and publicly funded Extraterrestrial budget.

The reported Extraterrestrial Budget has the unique legal ability among all U.S. government operations to generate funds through appropriations of diverse U.S. federal government agencies and other sources “without regard to any provisions of law,” and without regard to the intent behind Congressional appropriations.

Every year, according to Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of HUD (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development), billions of dollars of Congressional appropriations are diverted from their Congressionally sanctioned purposes to various organizations without knowledge of the public and with the collusion of U.S. leaders.

The departments from which many of these black budget funds are secretly siphoned from are the very same as those proposed by Ron Paul for elimination: Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior, and Education.

As Ron Paul proposes balancing the federal budget within three years and cutting one trillion in costs in his first year with his “Plan to Restore America”, if implemented, his plan would directly challenges those that benefit from America’s “unofficial” Extraterrestrial budget. If the experiences of Catherine Austin Fitts are any guide, then the more success Paul enjoys during the Presidential primaries, the more likely his plan will be marginalized by the Establishments which presides over an apparent Extraterrestrial budget.

Originally published here

Ron Paul Plan to Restore America challenges secret trillion dollar black budget

Ron Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” is a direct challenge to America’s secret trillion dollar Black Budget.

Paul’s plan to eliminate five cabinet level departments and trillion dollar budget cut appeals to a cross spectrum of American society, while also alarming some Americans that benefit from a host of programs funded by these Federal departments. It will be surprise to many that among those likely to be most alarmed by Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” are not private citizens; but powerful corporate, government and military entities that use excesses, inefficiencies and waste in these five government departments as a cover for secretly funding a vast network of classified projects.

The ‘official’ black budget comprises single line items in the Department of Defense (DoD) budget that don’t refer to any real weapons system. These single line items are covers for a Congressionally sanctioned and publicly funded ‘black budget’.

The CIA has the unique legal ability among all U.S. government departments and agencies to generate funds through appropriations of other federal government agencies and other sources “without regard to any provisions of law,” and without regard to the intent behind Congressional appropriations.

Every year, according to Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of HUD (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development), billions of dollars of Congressional appropriations are diverted from their Congressionally sanctioned purposes to CIA and DoD based intelligence agencies without knowledge of the public and with the collusion of Congressional leaders.

The departments from which many of these black budget funds are secretly siphoned from are the very same as those proposed by Ron Paul for elimination: Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior, and Education.


As Ron Paul proposes balancing the federal budget within three years and cutting one trillion in costs in his first year with his “Plan to Restore America”, he directly challenges those that benefit from America’s “unofficial” black budget. If the experiences of Catherine Austin Fitts are any guide, then the more success Paul enjoys during the Presidential primaries, the more likely he will be targeted in covert ways by beneficiaries of America’s black budget.


Orginally published here


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