60th Anniversary of the Roswell Crash: Exopolitical Signficance of the Walter Haut Affidavit
years ago, on the evening of July 2, 1947, a farmer by the name of Mac
Brazel and others heard a loud explosion nearby his farm approximately
75 miles NW of Roswell, in Lincoln County, New Mexico. On the morning
of July 3, he investigated and found the wreckage of what appeared to
be a flying saucer. He reported the find to the Sheriff's office who
then notified the nearby Roswell Army Air Field (AAF) base that sent
two military intelligence officers to investigate. The result of the
military's investigation led to the famous press release on July 8 that
a flying saucer had crashed. This generated instant media interest around
the world. As the media interest began to build, another press release
was quickly issued, this time by more senior military authorities, claiming
the initial release was mistaken. It was only a weather balloon and
not a flying saucer. Interest in the Roswell story then waned and it
wasn't heard of again for another thirty years.
In 1978 one of the officers that conducted the initial military investigation, Major Jesse Marcel, contacted Stanton Friedman, a veteran UFO researcher, and told him the truth about events at Roswell. The subsequent publication of The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William Moore in 1980 which revealed the testimony of Marcel and others, brought the Roswell story back into public attention. The Roswell Crash has ever since been on the center stage of public interest generating further investigations, books and media interest. One month ago, another book was published which contained a notarized affidavit by another key military official involved in events at Roswell. The affidavit by Lieutenant Walter Haut containing his version of events at Roswell is in the final chapter of Witness to Roswell (2007) by Tom Carey and Donald Schmitt (also online at: http://roswellproof.homestead.com/haut.html#anchor_8 ). Haut's testimony promises to once again make the Roswell Crash a cause for great media attention.
Haut was the Public Information Officer at Roswell AAF and was the individual
that circulated the famous press release on July 8, 1947 claiming a
flying saucer crash. Haut's affidavit was written in December 2002 and
authorized for release after his death. He died in December of 2005
and the affidavit was then published in Carey's and Schmitt's book,
Witness to Roswell. A comprehensive book review by Dr David Rudiak appears
online at: http://tinyurl.com/2ll4ec.
The affidavit has some startling information for those interested in
the political implications of extraterrestrial life or what has come
to be known as the field of Exopolitics. The most important is that
a staff meeting occurred on the morning of July 8 where Roswell AAF
officers discussed how to deal with growing public and press interest
in the wreckage found at TWO crash sites. Haut stated: "The main
topic of discussion ... was an extensive debris field in Lincoln County
approx. 75 miles NW of Roswell" (Affidavit #8). This was Mac Brazel's
farm and was the subject of earlier investigation by Major Marcel, the
Roswell base's chief intelligence officer, who gave his report at the
meeting. The second site was 40 miles north of Roswell and was not generally
known to researchers of the Roswell crash. The base commander, Col.
William Blanchard, gave a brief report on wreckage found at the second
The most surprising fact about the staff meeting was that General Roger
Ramey, whose headquarters was Carswell AAF Fort Worth, Texas, was also
present. Haut reveals that Ramey devised a strategy for throwing the
public and press off track about the two crash sites. According to Haut,
"General Ramey proposed a plan, which I believed originated from
his bosses at the Pentagon. Attention needed to be diverted from the
more important site north of town by acknowledging the other location
[Mac Brazel's ranch]. Too many civilians were already involved and the
press already was informed" (#9). Ramey approved a press release
pointing to the more remote and less important site near Mac Brazel's
ranch, and later retracting this announcement with the weather balloon
story that appeared in the news the later on July 8 and the morning
of July 9. This strategy succeeded in taking the flying saucer story
off the news headlines, and confusing members of the public and press
that had witnessed or were investigating events.
Ramey's role in the cover up is significant. It was Ramey that ordered
Major Jesse Marcel, whose report that a flying saucer had crashed at
the more remote location in the July 8 press release, to fly to Fort
Worth to appear at a press conference. Marcel was ordered to be photographed
crouching quietly over what appeared to be material from a weather balloon.
This was used to buttress Ramey's claim that the Roswell wreckage was
from a weather balloon. Marcel was forced to keep silent and about the
affair for over 30 years. In 1978 he approached Stanton Friedman over
what he had really seen at the Roswell crash site, thus reviving interest
in the Roswell story. Jesse Marcel's son, recently authored his own
book about what he had had been shown by his father who brought some
of the Roswell wreckage home. Marcel's book is to be released at next
week's 60th anniversary of the Roswell crash: http://www.marceljr.com/roswell60th.htm
Haut's affidavit indicates that Ramey was operating under orders by
the Pentagon which had been briefed about the two crash sites. It is
clear that the staff meeting was focused on controlling press and public
interest in the crash sites. It is significant that no discussion occurred
for supervising security at the sites or for retrieval of the crashed
material. This is surprising since it would have been expected that
given its proximity and resources, Roswell AAF would play a prominent
role. This suggests that security and retrieval operations at the crash
sites were being surprised at a higher level than the general staff
at Roswell AAF. Clearly, the Pentagon had deployed its own specialist
teams for controlling security and retrieval operations. Roswell AAF
would supply manpower, resources, and throw the public off the trail
by contradictory press releases, but little in the way of leadership.
Haut also says that he was taken to one of the Roswell hangars by the
base commander, Col Blanchard later on July 8 where he saw part of the
wreckage that "was approximately 12 to 15 feet in length, not quite
as wide, about 6 feet high, and more of an egg shape" (12). Haut
also saw under canvas tarpaulin, with the heads sticking out, two bodies
of the victims who appeared to be the size of a 10 year old child. He
said that at "a later date in Blanchard's office, he would extend
his arm about 4 feet above the floor to indicate the height" (13).
Haut's affidavit helps confirm the historical timeline concerning events
at the 1947 Roswell crash, and the subsequent cover-up of extraterrestrial
life. So we are in a better position to understand the public policies
implemented by national security leaders to manage extraterrestrial
affairs. What follows are some of the key exopolitical implications
of Haut's affidavit.
First, the affidavit helps corroborate a number of leaked Majestic Documents
concerning Roswell and its aftermath. These documents first began to
be leaked to the public in 1984 and there has been continuing controversy
over their authenticity ever since. A number of the documents relate
to events surrounding the Roswell Crash. One is an Interplanetary Phenomenon
Unit (IPU) Field Order on July 4 directing a small team to investigate
the crash site:
). This date is consistent with the dates concerning the reports of
a crash on the evening of July 2 and discovery of debris by Mac Brazel
on July 3, 75 miles NW of Roswell. Marcel arrived on July 6/7 and retrieved
some of the material and took it first home where he showed his family,
and then to the Roswell base. It is unlikely he would have been allowed
to do so if the IPU was at the Mac Brazel ranch. Consequently, the IPU
most likely investigated the more significant crash site only 40 miles
north of Roswell which had the larger portion of the crash wreckage
and the EBE (extraterrestrial biological entities) witnessed by Haut
at the Roswell hangar. This was the subject of an IPU Report on July
22, which referred to: "the extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne
objects in the State of New Mexico between 4 July and 6 July 1947."
It also refers to several bodies being taken to hospital at Roswell
AAF. These were very likely the same bodies that Haut witnessed at the
Roswell Hangar on July 8.
Haut's affidavit helps confirm the authenticity of a Majestic document
which was a directive from former President Dwight Eisenhower, who at
the time was Army Chief of Staff, to General Nathan Twining regarding
the events at Roswell. Eisenhower ordered Twining to travel to White
Sands Missile base to "make an appraisal of the reported unidentified
objects being kept there" (
). White Sands was the location of German scientists who were specialists
in rocket technology and therefore best able to evaluate the retrieved
object. Twining was also directed to take control of the military, political
and psychological situation surrounding the object. Just over a week
later, Twining released an Air Accident Report report to headquarters:
. Two months later, President Truman authorized a top secret project
(Operation Majestic 12) to take charge of the extraterrestrial issue
on September 24, 1947 (see Truman memo:
. The affidavit also helps confirm the validity of the Eisenhower Briefing
document which contains references to the Roswell crash and the national
security policy implemented to keep this secret (see:
The second exopolitical implication stems from the fact that General
Ramey was present at Roswell when the wreckage was first discussed by
base personnel on July 8. This suggested the strategy of deceiving the
public by contradictory press releases shows that senior military leaders
were ordered to lie about the truth of the Roswell wreckage and the
reality of extraterrestrial life. Haut's affidavit also confirms the
text analysis of a telegram held by General Ramey during the press release
at Fort Worth where he refers to the victims and wreckage at Roswell
(see: http://roswellproof.homestead.com/ ). Also significant is the
fact that the telegram in Ramey's hand was addressed to his boss, Lt
General Hoyt Vandenberg. This points out that Vandenberg was in the
loop about events at Roswell and was coordinating events with other
Pentagon officials through his subordinate General Ramey. Confirmation
of Vandenberg's knowledge of the Roswell crash clearly demonstrates
that he was actively part of national security policy based on deception.
This was exemplified in his rejection of the results of a 1948 investigation
of Air Force personnel into the flying saucer phenomenon that concluded
they were interplanetary in origin. Vandenberg ordered that the conclusions
of the original report called "Estimate of the Situation"
to be rewritten to remove the interplanetary hypothesis and the original
report would be destroyed (see: http://www.ufoscience.org/history/swords.pdf
). A national security policy based on deception of the general public
and press was officially under way after retrieval of the wreckage and
victims of the Roswell Crash.
A third exopolitical implication is that Haut's affidavit clearly shows
that the flying saucer phenomenon had shifted from a scientific question
of what were flying saucers, into a national security issue of keeping
the truth from becoming public. Subsequent, scientific investigations
of UFOs assumed to be objective studies, e.g., , USAF Project Blue Book
(1951-1969), the 1953 Robertson Panel, the 1969 University of Colorado
Condom Report, and the 1997 USAF Roswell Report, were all part of well
orchestrated national security policy based on deception. Also, the
term "Unidentified Flying Objects" (UFO) which came into widespread
usage through initial military efforts to make the study of flying saucers
more scientific, was in fact part of the deception ordered by senior
national security officials. National Security officials already knew
that flying saucers were extraterrestrial in origin, but encouraged
a public campaign to emphasize the unidentified nature of the phenomenon,
which the UFO term implies, and the need to identify UFOs by scientific
means. At the same time, national security officials would use all their
resources to undermine scientific studies and debunk evidence concerning
the reality of UFO's as extraterrestrial vehicles.
In conclusion, Haut's affidavit clarifies many issues surrounding the
Roswell Crash. It clearly demonstrates that out of national security
concerns, a policy of deception was implemented which continues to this
day. This deception involved senior national security officials from
different branches of the military, and included President Truman himself.
Given that this national security policy has successfully continued
for sixty years, its extent and scope must be concluded to be extremely
sophisticated and well enforced. The affidavit also shows that the study
of UFOs ceased being strictly scientific issue, but become a national
security issue of paramount importance. On this 60th anniversary of
the Roswell Crash and its subsequent cover up, great thanks must be
extended to all whose exhaustive research and courageous testimony have
helped bring to the public's attention the truth about events at Roswell.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
Kona, Hawaii
July 2, 2007
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