Asteroid Rendezvous with Mars: The Second Sun and Red Kachina
On January 9, scientists from the Near Earth Object Program (NASA/JPL) released their latest estimate on the projected flight path of an asteroid (2007 WD5) that had been earlier predicted to hit Mars with odds of 1 in 25 . The final estimate is that on January 30, the 50 meter asteroid will miss Mars by approximately 4000 kilometers, a near miss in astronomical terms. Hopes that scientists would learn more about conditions on Mars and the consequences of a similar asteroid impact on Earth were dashed with the January 9 announcement. The scientific community therefore expects the asteroid to have its Martian rendezvous with nothing out of the ordinary occurring.
A non-eventful close flyby is the most likely result according to the standard cosmological model where asteroids are electrically neutral bodies flying in the vacuum of space. However, while the asteroid will closely miss Mars, according to an astronomical model called 'Plasma Cosmology', there is likely to be a very significant "plasma discharge" between Mars and the asteroid. The plasma discharge will light Mars up in a stunning way as the asteroid discharges with Mars, the positive electrical charge it gained from its closest approach to Earth on November 2, 2007. This means that the asteroid (carrying a positive charge relative to Mars) and Mars (carrying a negative charge relative to the asteroid) will for a short period form a giant celestial capacitor that discharges.
Furthermore, Mars proximity to Earth in their respective orbits will make Mars appear to be a second sun for a short period of time. So it can be predicted that Mars, after it absorbs a plasma discharge from the passing asteroid 2007 WD5, will for a period become a red sun. This makes the expected rendezvous of Mars and the asteroid far more significant than a mere close miss as suggested by the standard cosmological model. The flyby raises the intriguing possibility that a red sun emerging from the plasma discharge between Mars and asteroid may be a fulfillment of Hopi Indian prophecies concerning the appearance of the Red Kachina. First, some background information will be helpful.
Plasma Cosmology is an astronomical model that posits that the
sun and planets are electrically charged celestial objects that exist in an electric
field that is generated by the sun in a radial direction throughout the solar
system. Charges flow through this electric field by virtue of the plasma particles
that are constantly being released by the sun (aka solar wind). Plasma is the
fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, and gas being the first three) and comprises
the free protons, neutrons, electrons and ions that make up neutral atoms. Importantly,
plasma makes up approximately 99.999% of the visible universe so its behavior
is increasingly an area of scientific interest. Plasma is not electrically neutral,
but is a superconductor that can carry electrical charges throughout the solar
system (and indeed into interstellar and intergalactic space) through what are
known as Birkeland currents.
Named after their discoverer, Kristian Birkeland,
a Norwegian astronomer, Birkeland currents comprise positively and negatively
charged particles looping around each other in ways that form filaments similar
to winding DNA. So as electrical charges are distributed by plasma through the
solar system, then different regions of space become electrically charged depending
on their distance from the sun. Put simply, the sun forms a giant anode where
positive charges are most abundant (due to Birkeland currents from the galactic
core) while the distant ends of the solar system form the most negatively charged
regions of the solar system (cathode). In
between, the electric field of the sun and the Birkeland currents flowing from
it through space, provide positive charges to planets, asteroids and comets depending
on the nature of their orbits and proximity to one another. Plasma discharges
(see diagram on right) threfore regularly occur with celestical bodies.
Planets rotating in a stable circular path maintain a steady distance from the sun. Consequently, their electric charges do not vary greatly unless they pass through one or more of the Birkeland currents streaming from the sun in the form of invisible rivers of electrical current. When a comet or asteroid moves close to a planet or the sun on an elliptical orbit, its electrical charge is significantly different in that region of the solar system's electrical field. The accumulation of charge and/or a plasma discharge subsequently occurs. For example, when comets travel close to the sun, plasma discharges (aka Coronal Mass Ejections) have been observed to occur. Most astronomers are puzzled by such events which they currently regard as mere coincidence. For supporters of plasma cosmology, however, the sun's behavior when comet's approach is evidence of the plasma discharge that regularly occurs when two charged celestial bodies approach each other.
This has led to plasma cosmologists making accurate predictions about plasma discharges involving celestial bodies. For example, in the case of NASA's Deep Impact mission to the comet Tempel I, where an 800 lb projectile was sent crashing into the comet's core, it was predicted that a flash (a plasma discharge) would precede the actual physical impact and light up the comet. This is exactly what happened thereby giving powerful support to the plasma cosmology model.
Asteroid Rendezvous with Mars
In understanding what happens when
asteroid 2007 WD5 approaches Mars, what must be considered is the electrical charge
it carries. The asteroid normally orbits in a region between Earth and Jupiter
(see the following two diagrams depicting its orbit). So it would accumulate or
discharge plasma depending on the region of space it is traveling through, and
the Birkeland currents it encounters. However, when asteroids approach planets,
they may accumulate a positive charge from a planet closer to the sun, and undergo
a plasma discharge as it passes close by a more distant planet. This is exactly
what is likely to happen with asteroid 2007 WD5.
November 2, 2007, the asteroid did a relatively close flyby of the Earth as seen
in the diagram (on left) where 2007 WD5 is superimposed over Earth. It was only
0.0479AU (approximately 7 million kms) from Earth. This is close enough for the
asteroid to be positively charged by the Earth's magnetosphere. Charged in this
way, the asteroid is now carrying an abundance of positively charged ions, relative
to Mars, as it races towards it for its January 30 Martian rendezvous.
According to the plasma cosmology model, the difference in electrical potential between Mars and the asteroid will result in a plasma discharge between the two. The asteroid, carrying a positive charge gained from Earth, will result in a plasma discharge that lights Mars in a spectacular fashion. Put simply, for a short period of time, Mars and the asteroid will form a giant celestial capacitor that discharges causing them both to light up in a fashion resembling a second sun. Given that Mars and Earth are relatively close in their respective orbits on January 30 (see diagram below), the plasma exchange between Mars and the asteroid will be very visible in the night sky, and will have a distinctive red hue to it.
the plasma discharge between Mars and the asteroid will certainly be a rare celestial
event, what makes it even more intriguing is that rumors have begun circulating
the internet that over the next few weeks, a
second sun will mysteriously appear in the sky. The likelihood that a plasma
discharge between the asteroid and Mars will light Mars up spectacularly raises
the possibility that it could be the second sun alluded to in such predictions.
In fact, if the plasma cosmology model is correct, it can be predicted that Mars
will light up as a (red) second sun on or around January 30, 2008.
October 24, 2007 Comet 17P/Holmes lit up in a spectacular way. The coma of the
relatively small comet with a core of several kilometers, grow in size to be larger
than the sun (diagram on left shows Holmes and the sun compared with Saturn).
Its spectacular increase thrilled sky watchers for over a month as it formed a
faint blue sun in the night sky. Comet Holmes' expansion was a mystery, according
to most astronomers. In the plasma cosmology model, Comet Holmes expansion was
due to a plasma discharge as it entered a region of space where the charges accumulated
by the comet in its orbit discharged. The plasma discharge appeared to happen
when the Comet passed through
the magnetosphere of Mars causing its spectacular expansion. Such an event
is likely to repeat itself as the asteroid experiences a close rendezvous with
Mars. The smaller size of the asteroid, when compared to Comet Holmes, makes it
an unlikely candidate for the coma expansion experienced by Comet Holmes. However,
that is not so for Mars which has sufficient mass to undergo a spectacular plasma
discharge and coma expansion that replicates what occurred with Comet Holmes.
Consequently, it is predicted that Mars will undergo a spectacular expansion on
or soon after the January 30 rendezvous. So this coming event may qualify as the
mysterious second sun prediction.
Mars and the Red Kachina
final point worth discussing about the possible spectacular expansion of Mars
in the night sky is what significance to attach to the formation of a second sun
that has a red hue to it. This raises the intriguing question of whether the January
30 asteroid rendezvous with Mars could signify the coming of the fabled Red Kachina
in Hopi Indian prophesy. This follows earlier speculation that Comet Holmes formed
the Blue Kachina, and its appearance in 2007 was predicted
by crop circles created in 2005.
The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life. Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier . The Red Kachina, who will bring the Day of Purification. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways.
The Red Kachina signifies the time of purification when humanity faces a series of fundamental choices in its evolution. Successful choices will lead to a harmonious transition from the 4th world (which refers to current Western civilization) to the fifth world which represents a new world based on truth, justice, peace and harmony. The prediction of Comet Holmes/Blue Kachina by crop circles discovered in 2005 raises the intriguing questions of who made them, and is there any relationship with Mars possibly lighting up on January 30, 2008? According, to the Hopi, the transition from the fourth to fifth world will herald the return of the "brothers from the Stars." Are extraterrestrials responsible for making the crop circles, and therefore drawing humanity's attention to celestial events that portend widespread planetary changes?
In conclusion, on January 30, 2008, humanity is likely to witness a remarkable celestial event. The possible lighting up of the red planet, Mars, due to a plasma discharge caused by asteroid 2007 WD5 may signify nothing more than a very rare celestial event. At the very least this will give powerful evidentiary support for the Plasma Cosmology model that currently is largely dismissed by the mainstream astronomical community. There may, however, be more to Mars briefly becoming a red sun than simply demonstrating the validity of plasma discharge predictions concerning celestial bodies. The formation of a red sun may well signify the Red Kachina as foretold in Hopi prophesy. Such prophesy alerts us to celestial events that herald a time of rapid planetary transition. We can look forward to whatever happens on January 30 as the start of a fascinating journey for humanity as it seriously ponders the confluence of a rare celestial event, Native American prophecies, crop circles and exopolitics.
Michael E. Salla,
Kona, Hawaii
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