Exopolitics: political implications of the extra-terrestrial presence
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Press Release: Announcement of the Exopolitics Institute - July 4, 2005

[Kona, Hawaii] Aloha all, I am delighted to announce the creation of the Exopolitics Institute. Dedicated to the most paradigm shifting field of research today, the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence, this Institute will support exopolitical activism and the study of exopolitics.

We are launching the Exopolitics Institute on this illustrious day of the 4th of July. Over 200 years ago a founding vision of a new representational system for the people, created by the people, was implemented. Today, the Exopolitics Institute sets forth its own vision of citizen based representation, and transparent government accountability concerning extraterrestrial affairs - for the people, created by the people. It is time to end the secrecy and examine openly the extraterrestrial presence which is supported by credible, extensive and thoroughly compelling evidence. And further, to understand its impact upon our lives.

The Institute aims to provide resources for scholars researching exopolitics so that these capable men and women can share their pioneering work and information with a public ready to know the truth. Also promoted by the Exopolitics Institute are the topics of full disclosure of extraterrestrial information; the idea of transparency in all government activities related to extraterrestrial issues; assistance to those performing 'exopolitical activism'; and to promote those individuals who have credible evidence of contact with extraterrestrials.

You can learn more about the Institute in terms of its goals and activities at: www.exopoliticsinstitute.org. The Institute will also be the home of the "Journal of Exopolitics" which is being simultaneously launched with the Exopolitics Institute. The Journal of Exopolitics will provide an outlet for scholars and activists to publish their analyses of various issues and activities related to the study of exopolitics and exopolitical activism (see http://www.exopolitics.org/Journal-home.htm).

The biggest hurdle confronting those promoting expolitical study and activism is a lack of resources. The Exopolitics Institute will be a means to provide needed resources to those out in the field doing the rigorous work of studying exopolitics issues, promoting exopolitical awareness, and disseminating information about extraterrestrial contacts.

Among the notable scholars, journalists and activists serving on the various boards of the Exopolitics Institute are: Dr James Deardorff (scholar/scientist); Dr Thomas Hansen (scholar/educator); Paola Harris, M.Ed. (journalist/educator); Ed Komarek (political activist); Dr Simeon Hein (scholar/educator); and Alfred Webre, J.D. (futurist/activist); for bios see http://www.exopolitics.org/institute-about.htm .

Success of the Exopolitics Institute will rely upon the collective voice of public interest, membership support, and the diligent research of dedicated people disseminating clear information about extraterrestrial affairs. Everyone can play a direct role in promoting exopolitical awareness, and the first step is sharing the information at hand. All are invited to forward this press release, visit our web site and to become a member of the Exopolitics Institute.

Thank you for your continued interest in and support of exopolitics.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Founder, Exopolitics Institute

Press enquires contact: media@exopoliticsinstitute.org



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