Exopolitics: political implications of the extra-terrestrial presence
DVD of the Extraterrestrial Civilisations and World Peace Conference.
DVD Cover
Also recommended
Book Cover
Book information.

MEDIA & Conference Events - 2007

May 11 -13, 2007 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla to speak at the Earth Transformation Conference about the coming Exopolitics Revolution: http://www.earthtransformation.com

March 31 - April 1, 2007 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla to speak at the CONSCIOUS GATEWAYS DISCLOSURE CONFERENCE about Extraterrestrials Among Us: http://consciousgateways.com/early_alert.htm

February 25 - March 3, 2007 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla to speak at the 16th Annual International UFO Congress about extraterrestrials Among Us: http://www.ufocongress.com

February 15, 2007 - Radio Interview - Dr Salla interviewed about exopolitics by Christmas Miller on Contemplations with Christmas Miller: http://www.contacttalkradio.com/hosts/christmasmiller.htm

February 11, 2007 - Radio Interview - Dr Salla interviewed about Exopolitics by James Arthur Jancik on Feet to the Fire: http://innersites.com/feet2fire/


Archived Media and Conference Events

2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

MEDIA & Conference Events - 2006

November 4 -6, 2006 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla to speak at the 4th Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference about the covert management of UFO crash retrievals http://www.ufoconference.com/ufo-conference-speakers.php

October 4, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on WakeUp USA Radio about exopolitics and the implications of extraterrestrials interacting with Earth: http://www.stardustent.com/wakeupusa.htm

August 18-20 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla spoke at the SCIENCE, SPIRIT AND WORLD TRANSFORMATION CONFERENCE about extraterrestrial civilizations and world peace: http://www.eceti.org/August2006Event.htm

August 2, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on Chris Pirillo Show about Exopolitics. http://www.thechrispirilloshow.com/help/20060802_dr_michael_salla_on_exopolitics.phtml

July 2, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed by Shirley MacLean on Independent Expression Radio about exopolitics and the political implications of extraterrestrials interacting with Earth: http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/iecommunity/ieradio.php

June 19, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Jerry Pippen interviews Dr Salla on the Jerry Pippen Show, http://www.jerrypippin.com/Hawaii%20ETCWP%20Conference.htm

June 9-11, 2006 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla to speak at the Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference, about the historic relationship between Extraterrestrials and World Peace. http://www.etworldpeace.com

May 15, 2006 - PRESS RELEASE: Getting to Yes with ET: International Experts Meet to Discuss Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations

May 8, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr. Salla interviewed on IrishUfolgy by Sweeps Fox about Exopolitics: http://irishufology.net/DrMichaelSalla/drmichaelsallainterview.html

March 8, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears on George Noory's 'Coast to Coast' and will discusss space weapons and their possible use against extraterresrials civilizations: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2006/03/08.html

February 1, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla to be interviewed on WakeUp USA Radio about exopolitics and the implications of the extraterrestrials interacting with Earth: http://www.stardustent.com/wakeupusa.htm

January 25, 2006 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on the Kevin Smith Show about the recent developments in Exopolitics and Paul Hellyer, http://kevinsmithshow.com/archives/index.htm

January 9, 2006 - PRESS RELEASE - Former Canadian Defense Minister to Visit U.S. to Speak at Hawaii Conference on Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace -

MEDIA & Conference Events - 2005

July 4, 2005 - PRESS RELEASE : Announcement of the Exopolitics Institute

June 20, 2005 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on Rob McConnell's, the X-Zone, http://www.xzone-radio.com/archives.html

June 10-12, 2005 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla spoke at the Dolphins and ET Civilizations Conference, Big Island, Hawaii http://www.etfriends.com/conference/index.html

May 21, 2005 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed at the X-Conference by "Tim Binnall of America," http://www.binnallofamerica.com/boaa5.21.5.html

April 22-24, 2005 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla spoke at the Second Annual Exopolitics Expo, Gaithersburg, Maryland, http://www.paradigmclock.com/X-Conference/X-Conference.htm

March 6-12, 2005 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla spoke at the 14the International UFO Congress and Film Festival about the legacy of the Nazi-Extraterrestrial Connection, http://www.ufocongress.com/

January 10, 2005 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on the Kevin Smith Show about the Asian Tsunami and the ET factor, http://kevinsmithshow.com/archives/index.htm

MEDIA & Conference Events - 2004

December 7, 2004- RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears with Paola Harris as guests on George Noory's 'Coast to Coast', and are interviewed about the politics of extraterresrials affairs and Charles Hall: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2004/12/07.html

October 20, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on WakeUp USA Radio about exopolitics and the implications of the extraterrestrials interacting with Earth: http://www.stardustent.com/wakeupusa.htm

October 19, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on the Kevin Smith Show about exopolitics and the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence: http://kevinsmithshow.com/archives/index.htm

September 27, 2004 - TELEVISION INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed by Martin Sargent, host of Unscrewed, about his book, Exopolitics: http://www.g4techtv.com/unscrewed/

September 11, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on Angel Talk Radio about his book, recent visit to Hawaii exploring the ET-Dolphin Connection and creation of a Galactic Peace Ambassador Seminar: http://1160wmet.com/hosts/angeltalkRev.shtml

September 3, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on the Lou Gentile Show about the challenge of exopolitics and the implications of the extraterrestrials interacting with Earth: http://www.lougentile.com/

September 2, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on Dolphinville Radio by Douglas Webster about exopolitics and the implications of the extraterrestrials interacting with Earth: http://www.dolphinville.com/radio/index.htm

August 8-20, 2004 - CONTACT SEMINAR - Dr Salla speaks at Joan Ocean's ET Contact & Swim with the Dolphins Seminar, Sky Island Ranch, Hawaii, http://www.joanocean.com/contactsem.html

August 3, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on George Noory's 'Coast to Coast', and is interviewed about his latest research on the motivations and activities of extraterrestrial races: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2004/08/03.html

April 17-18, 2004 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla gives a keynote address on Exopolitics at the First Annual Exopolitics Expo, Gaithersburg, Maryland, http://www.paradigmclock.com/X-Conference/X-Conference.htm

April 14 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on the Jerry Pippin Show, about the X-Conference and the Dan Burisch affair: http://www.jerrypippin.com/

April 5 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on the Gary Null Show, about his Exopolitics book: http://www.garynull.com/Events/MediaEvents.aspx

March 31, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on the Jeff Rense Program, about his Exopolitics book: http://www.soundwaves2000.com/rense/archives.html

March 27-28, 2004 - CONFERENCE SPEAKER - Dr Salla will be doing a keynote address on the Strategic Management of the Extraterrestrial Presence at the DRUFO Conference, Bordentown, New Jersey. http://www.drufo.org

March 11, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed by Terry Fisk and Chad Lewis, The Unexplained, about his Exopolitics book: http://www.chadlewis.com/

March 10, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla to be interviewed on Jim Hickman's 'The Hickman Report," about the Extraterrestrial Presence and Government Cover Up: http://www.thehickmanreport.com

March 3, 2004 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on George Noory's 'Coast to Coast', and is interviewed about the Eisenhower meeting with Extraterrestrials: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2004/03/03.html

02/21/04 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla interviewed on Michael Corbin's "A Closer Look" about the Eisenhower meeting with Extraterrestrials and the recently released book, Exopolitics (archived): http://www.4acloserlook.com/

02/18/04 - PUBLIC LECTURE - Dr Salla will be doing a lecture/presentation on the Strategic Management of the Extraterrestrial Presence at the Orange County branch of MUFON (taped): http://www.mufonoc.org/index2.htm

02/17/04 - PUBLIC LECTURE - Dr Salla will be doing a lecture/presentation on the Strategic Management of the Extraterrestrial Presence at the Los Angeles branch of MUFON (taped): http://www.mufonla.com/meetings.htm

MEDIA & Conference Events - 2003

11/12/03 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on Chyrene Pendleton & Dale Finnila's 'Isle of Light', and is interviewed on the Dulce Report, Iraq and the internet message 'Do You Wish Us to Show Up?', (archived) http://www.theisleoflight.com

10/08/03 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on Mary Sutherland's 'The Bufo Report' and is interviewed about the Dulce Underground Base, Extraterrestrial Races, and Government Cover Up (archived): http://www.burlingtonnews.net/listen.html

05/14/03 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on Jim Hickman's 'The Hickman Report,"and is interviewed about the Extraterrestrial Presence and Government Cover Up. The interview is archieved at: http://www.thehickmanreport.com

03/30/03 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on Allan Handelman's 'The Allan Handelman Show," will be interviewed about the coverup of Comet Neat and Extraterrestrial Technology in Iraq: http://www.ifitrocks.com/themain.htm

03/05/03 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on George Noory's 'Coast to Coast', and is interviewed (3 hrs) about the Extraterrestrial presence and the government cover up - summary & archived copy available at: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2003/03/05.html#recap

03/03/03 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on Alex Merklinger's 'Mysteries Of The Mind', and is interviewed (2.5 hrs) about NASA's coverage of Comet NEAT - archived available at: http://www.mysteriesofthemind.com/archives.htm

02/27/03 - RADIO INTERVIEW - Dr Salla appears as a guest on Lan Lamphere's, 'The Edge',and is interviewed (1 hour) about NASA's coverage of Comet NEAT - archived copy available at The Edge's website: http://www.the-edge.ws/

01/20/03 - INTERNET RELEASE - "Launch of Research Study on Extraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories"


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